Sunday, August 25, 2019

Summer 2019

Hello Dear Friends,
This is the longest summer of my life! It is like days are getting longer and longer...Of course , this is due to the fact that I am taking holidays at home this year: no going abroad.

The summer started with summer school. Summer school involved field trip as well.
Their subject was bees and beekeeping; hence the outfit.

We spent a lot of time at home ( something we don't do much because of my crazy working hours) , which involved turtle chasing, screen time, chess playing and for me coffee drinking while reading!
My dad's prickly pears.
I had to learn to peel them.

We spent a lot of time by the pool  or the sea.
My Little Man visited his grandmother (father's mother ) im the ICU. My mother was in the hospital for 10 days too. She is fine now; I hope to say the same for my mother-in-law soon too.
And although we missed a couple of swimming lessons; we were there most of the time.

We wish you a happy summer. Soon the school will start. Can't wait! 

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