Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Yarny things

Hello Dear Friends,
Cyprus is a very hot island; perfect for the beach but not so perfect if you are working. I found myself unable to crochet most of the time because of the heat, but My Little Man's school friend's mother is expecting a baby girl in September and  I managed to crochet a baby girl blanket.Ta-daa!

I managed my first internet yarn purchase.These lovelies came from Bursa, Turkey.

They are 100% cotton. I have lots of ideas what to make of them but I am admiring a version of granny square and I will give it a try first.
I also received my first yarny gift: My sister went to Berlin this summer and brought me these two 'beyond my dreams' balls. They are linen.

The colour is sooooo beautiful; something blue-gray-greenish, very difficult to capture in a photo . Best gift ever!
Best wishes,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Summer 2019

Hello Dear Friends,
This is the longest summer of my life! It is like days are getting longer and longer...Of course , this is due to the fact that I am taking holidays at home this year: no going abroad.

The summer started with summer school. Summer school involved field trip as well.
Their subject was bees and beekeeping; hence the outfit.

We spent a lot of time at home ( something we don't do much because of my crazy working hours) , which involved turtle chasing, screen time, chess playing and for me coffee drinking while reading!
My dad's prickly pears.
I had to learn to peel them.

We spent a lot of time by the pool  or the sea.
My Little Man visited his grandmother (father's mother ) im the ICU. My mother was in the hospital for 10 days too. She is fine now; I hope to say the same for my mother-in-law soon too.
And although we missed a couple of swimming lessons; we were there most of the time.

We wish you a happy summer. Soon the school will start. Can't wait! 