Hello Dear Friends,
This summer of 2018 has been a crazy one. We had lots of travelling, lots of holidaying, lots of work, painful days as my uncle had a very bad cancer , he spent few months of his last days in an ICU. He died in August while we were on holiday, so I missed his funeral.It was sad, but my mother suffered the most. Losing her brother was tough, it is like she shrinked over-night.I started to think more about death and life but I want to avoid this state of mind and I engage myself in daily activities more fiercely.I feel like I am losing my words so I will leave you with some photos of last summer.
Mediterranean sea
Lithuania |
Baltic sea
My Little Man'S birthday party
My Little Man's birthday party at home with his friends
My crochet blanket is growing
School started
Homework |
Summer holiday-Samsun,Turkey
Summer holiday-ordu,Turkey
Blacksea region-Turkey
Kocatepe Mosque-Ankara
Ayder yaylası
Amasya-City of Şehzades- An Ottoman taking a selfie!
Anatolian Civilizations Museum-Ankara
Anatolian Civilizations Museum-Ankara
Rahmi Koç Museum- Ankara
Rahmi Koç Museum-Ankara
Rahmi Koç Museum-Ankara
Home |
HAve a lovely week!